Saturday, November 15, 2008

For the first time ever....

I know that this blog is mainly read by family members or friends in Abilene, but I've decided to have a contest in honor of MY LAST WEEK OF TRAVEL SEASON!!! WOO HOO!

So as I hit the road for MY LAST WEEK OF TRAVEL SEASON, my readers have a chance to win an essential when it comes to hitting the road, a Starbucks gift card! All you have to do is post your guess to this question:

Just leave a comment on this post with your guess as to how many miles I've driven. The contest will run until next Friday night at 8 p.m. when I am home and relaxing after spending the week driving across Fort Worth. Our winner that guessest the closest milage will be annouced on Saturday.

In case you haven't followed my blog for long, here's some backgroud info for you. I've spent 7 weeks traveling, from Dallas to Plainview to Arlington to San Anotonio back to the Panhandle and finishing in Fort Worth. I've driven more miles in one weekend to the panhandle than I did in a week in Dallas. And, I'll tell you that its between 1 mile and 8,500 miles. The Hubs told me to make the cap 1 million miles, but I wouldn't do that to you.

So start you guesses and when I announce the winner, I will be one happy girl who is FINISHED WITH TRAVEL SEASON!!!

Can you tell I'm excited? :)


  1. Hmmm, I'm going to go with 5479.

  2. I am not good at math at all but my guess is 2,000.

  3. I love reading your blog!!! My guess is 6,423 miles. :)


Thanks for commenting- I love hearing from readers!