1. We had a movie night with the youth group Wednesday night and Griffin got his first taste of popcorn.
Boy is a fan! He kept crawling over to different students and trying to get his hand into their bag. Once he finally did, the party really started!
2. As much as it pains me to admit about my baby boy, Griffin is one month away from celebrating his first birthday. {excuse me while I go cry!} My heart is so torn about the party: I honestly don't really want to even do a one, because even though there are some really cute ideas out there on Pinterest, I think they are over the top for a first birthday. {we all know the party is for me anyway, griff will never remember this.} {and technically, the party will also be for me since we share a birthday ;} The realistic side of me says I will end up sad if we don't at least do a small celebration, so I gave myself a small budget to do a few favors and have researched a few ideas. Well, of course my researching has lead me to want to DO, DO, DO!!! Let's hope that my crafty desires can stay in line with my budget!
3. Speaking of birthdays... what are some good ideas for a first birthday present? A few ideas I've seen include:
A Radio Flyer Wagon
A Little Tikes Car
Pottery Barn Kid's Chair
While I think these are good ideas, the problem with the car and the wagon is that we don't really have a good driveway space for Griff to actually be able to go out and use it. The Pottery Barn chair would be great, but they don't really come in colors that would fit in with our house. {I can't imagine why Pottery Barn doesn't have lime green chairs flying off the shelves!} So, if you have a good idea of what you gave your kid for their first birthday, pass it along please!
4. A few weeks ago I was whining to Cody that Griff was growing up and was never going to want to cuddle with me again. Tuesday night I was giving Griffin his evening bottle before putting him down to bed. I usually know when he's done because he pushes the bottle out and starts looking around what toy he can play with. Well, much to my surprise and utter delight, he pushed the bottle out and sat up, only then to put his head into my chest to snuggle with me. Y'all, I still could start crying just at the sweet memory. It is now one of my favorite memories with Griffin to date!
5. I let Griffin crawl around and explore our room as I get ready in the morning, which usually ends up in him making his way over to my night stand to dig through my stuff. Tuesday though, he made his way to Cody's drawer. Even though I know I probably should have stopped him, I decided to let Griff help "organize" his drawers as payment for all of the times mine have been cleaned out! You gotta admit though, it's hard to get mad at this cute face!

we got jett the and he loves it!!!