1. Do you know that it is impossible for even a super tired pregnant lady to go back to sleep after she gets a text at 5:45 on Saturday morning saying one of her best friend's water broke and they were headed to the hospital to have a baby?
Well trust me, it's impossible. Sarah (seen here way back in the beginning of our pregnancies) was actually due a week after me, but their little one decided he just couldn't wait anymore! While the labor was exciting in itself, there was even more excitement because they waited to find out what they were having. It seriously took so much in me to not head up to the hospital as soon as I got the text from Josh that they were headed to the hospital, but I waited my time until later that day and we are so thankful they have a little boy too!
I've teased all along that I was going to be mad at Sarah if she went way earlier than me, but now I'm realizing that it's a good thing so she can tell me everything she learns along the way. The only problem is that after visiting Sarah (who had a super intense 5 hour delivery without drugs) is that she seriously makes it look too easy. Like, she's so chipper and perky you would think she had a hang nail, not a baby!
2. Mom's in town! She got her yesterday for our Sunday School shower and is already spoiling me rotten. She helped finished the covers for our changing pad and cooked several meals for us today to freeze, along with doing all of our laundry. I could certainly get spoiled to this!
3. I finally used the prenatal massage Cody gave me for Mother's Day on last Thursday. Oh. My. Goodness. It was heavenly! I certainly wish it could become a weekly occurrence until I deliver this little one, but something tells me that's not going to happen :) If you're from the Abilene area, I definitely suggest using The Med Spa at Hendrick. (and if they want to pay me to say that, I'd do it!)
4. Y'all. It's so hot. Pregnancy + 108 degrees = Torture. That's about all there is to say about that.
5. Have you enjoyed watching the Olympics? Cody is the Ultra American right now and is passionately supporting any sport in which USA is competing. While I enjoy watching some of it, it mostly brings back fun memories. Like for the '92 Olympics when my brother and I were so into gymnastics that a 2x4 balance beam was a permeant part of our living room so we could be a part of the performances too!
6. We're headed off tomorrow for my last visit to my cardiologist to put together a plan for my delivery. Which makes me realize... we have about 23 days to go! Here's hoping he stays in there long enough to check just a few more things off the to do list!

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