{the boys. whether we're traveling in the car or in bed at night, kota can be found lying again the curve of my belly. the warmth of him makes griffin move like crazy, throwing out lots of punches and kicks. kota just lays there and takes it... so i'm hoping he's just preparing for what's to come!}
Size of Baby: Little man is weighing in at 4 lbs 13 oz. (almost the 5 lbs I estimated last week!) He's still head down, looking healthy and taking up every inch of my belly!
Symptoms: - Still lots of firey pain this week. I imagine it's him pushing up against my skin that causes this due to lack of space, but I sure wish I could find a way to stop it!
Cravings/Aversions: - Nothing specific this week. Unless AC counts as a craving :)
Maternity Clothes: - Made it through one more week, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that I have got to switch over to my maternity shirts that friends have shared with me. Apparently it's frowned upon to have your belly hanging out from the bottom of your shirt :)
Sleep: - Eh. It's hard to get comfortable and cool. About the time I do, then I need a bathroom break. It's a never ending cycle!
Funniest Dream Of This Week: - I dreamed that we were coming back to Abilene from my hometown, but didn't leave till 10:45 on a Sunday night. {it's a 4 hour drive.} I was so worried about all of the stops we were going to have to make on the way home, how we were going to be able to make it into work on Monday morning, would Cody be able to stay awake, how would we get our car unloaded in time... it was rough!
Highlights Of This Week:
- We had a great shower this weekend in Cody's hometown. We now have somewhere for Griffin to sleep, diapers to cover his bum and cute clothes to put him in. Coupled with the car seat we already had, I feel like he can show up now and we would make it. {though I'm still hoping it's several weeks away before he appears!}
- While at the shower, I saw my mom and picked up our crib bedding! It turned out so much better than I could have imagined and I can't wait to show off pictures of the nursery now!
Looking forward to: organizing the nursery with all of our new gifts we got!

Your's experience is awesome i hope you had enjoyed a lot