Size of Baby: According to Baby Center, little G man is almost 15 inches long, can blink his eyes and is sporting lashes. (let's hope they're long and luscious!) He's also starting to put on fat now... hopefully creating some nice chubby cheeks!
Symptoms: - Thankfully, this was a pretty good week... the rib pain has gotten better and I seem to be getting more of that third trimester tiredness, but overall I'm feeling good!
Cravings/Aversions: - Is it weird to say that I am craving laying on my stomach? :) I know it's not food, but I want to lay on my stomach, eat a big, juicy medium rare steak and drink all of the diet dr. pepper that I want! Someday....
Maternity Clothes: - Still in both... though I think my stomach has had a big growth spurt this week so I imagine I'll be retiring some shirts soon. My normal stuff seems to have a hard time staying down over the belly!
Sleep: - Still sleeping high maintenance style with lots of pillows, but at least I'm sleeping!
Highlights Of This Week:
- We received a great report for Griffin's heart, which was a huge relief!
- I feel so much better about welcoming this little man because we got a huge start on our to do list. We still have a ways to go, but at least it is manageable, organizational stuff that we can handle!
- Feeling G move so much. I told Cody the other day that I have loved this baby since we found out we are pregnant, but I love him more everyday because he is becoming so much more real to me. It's so fun to dream about his personality as I watch him move and squirm around!
Looking forward to: - The weekend! Not only to sleep in, but also to hopefully finish up the projects in the nursery from last week!

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