Cody has actually been a rockstar and I'm beginning to wonder why he isn't a stay at home dad. He's deep cleaned the house for me {HE DUSTED OUR WOOD PANELING. I didn't even do that in the throws of my nesting stages!} cooked some great dinners and let me spend my nights spoiling Griff. He is certainly a keeper!
At this point, we have about 10 work days left before the university will be closed for the holidays, which helps me to know we can make it and learn for this to be our new normal. If I'm being honest {and overly dramatic} I have had a few sad moments this week in the evenings because Griffin is more interactive and smiley with Cody. He gives me these long stares as if he's thinking, "Remind me who you are again..." I'm being a drama queen, I know. And he slightly redeemed himself when he was smiley, giggly and all about hanging out with me this morning. Too bad it was from 3 - 4 am!
I have been weepy this week, though not about being away from Griffin. We've had a family in our church that we've spent the last 2 years praying for their son. Shortly before his 8th birthday, Rex was diagnosed with brain cancer. He underwent surgery, radiation and chemo and was doing seemingly well until this summer when a MRI showed the tumor was back. They did a trial run of a drug and everyone in our community prayed for a miracle for Rex. He did live to celebrate his 10th birthday, but received his healing Sunday night when he went to be with the Lord.
I'm so thankful that I have my baby to go home to and love on each night. As I look at Griff, I can't even imagine only having him in our lives for 10 short years. It's just not fair.I'm heartbroken for the Fleming family and can't even imagine how they are feeling. As I listened to the funeral service today though, I was so inspired by the boy Rex was and his strong faith at such a young age. I'm not sure what trials we'll face in the future with Griffin, but if we can raise him up to have faith like Rex, I will consider us successful in life.
Momma's, hold you babies a little tighter tonight. And as you tuck them into bed, say a prayer for Lance, Jill, Ashley and Ryan as they deal with the loss of Rex.

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