Last week we had the great privilege of dedicating Griffin in front of our family and friends as a part of the morning service. Griff was a champ during the service, flirting with the college girls at the beginning and sleeping through the rest. At one point during worship, I went back to the back of the room because the music was a little loud for his ears and I was so overcome with emotion. This is the first Christmas where my heart can truly resonate with Mary. I think of her in those last few days, where every part of your body aches, you have no more room to grow and you're ready for the pregnancy to just be over. And I know the Christmas story, that Jesus was born of a virgin, an innocent baby who would save the world, yet as I held my own baby, it hit me in a whole new light.
I think of Mary and Joseph, as they marveled at their perfect son. They cooed to entertain him and made silly noises to try and have a conversation. How his face must have lit up when he saw his parents come into the room and giggled at their smiles. She cheered when he rolled over the first time, comforted him when he was upset, worried through the nights and probably checked many a time just to make sure he was still breathing. It didn't matter how many milestones he hit or how tall he grew, he would always be her baby.
I wonder what it felt like, the moment she realized how Jesus would save the world from it's sin. Could she even cry through the sick feeling that must have overtaken her body? And even though he was always the chosen one, I imagine she begged God to let her take his place, that she still wanted to save her baby from the pain that was headed his way.
Now, I know that I did not give birth to the next God Incarnate :) but I do think he's one special boy. And the moment he entered my life on August 28, I would instantly do whatever it took to protect him and keep him from pain. Protecting Griffin right now is rather simple. I keep him fed, make sure he has a clean diaper, is wearing warm clothes for the cool weather, and offer lots of kisses and cuddles to make sure he knows he's loved. I know that someday, protecting him won't be as easy. And as much as I want to keep him safe and close to me, even more than that, I want Cody and I to raise a Godly son, who would rather follow where God leads him than stay where his mom deems is safe. Griffin is truly our gift from above {James 1:17} and I pray that God will continue to teach Cody and I how to be the parents Griff needs us to be.
{it looks like we are so happy and moved by the prayer in this bottom picture. actually, griffin was tooting and I was laughing, afraid that he was about to have a blow out diaper with God and all of the church members as witnesses!}
We love you sweet boy. We will make mistakes along the way, but we'll promise to always try our hardest to raise you in a manner that glorifies the Lord. You are the best thing that has happened to us and we can't wait to see the adventure God will take you on!

I love y'all so much, and am so thankful for God's gracious gift of sweet Griffin.