{little G and I traveling for work this week}
- Indigestion has set in, along with some constant rib/back pain. While I know it's pregnancy related, I think it could be worse because of the chair I sit in at work. So, even though it's slightly embarrassing, I think I will be taking a pillow up there soon for some extra support!
- Still leaning towards savory and salty things. I will eat sweets {and still enjoy them!} but it's certainly not the first thing I'm reaching for!
Maternity Clothes:
- Mix and match of both. I don't have enough maternity clothes to fully switch over and I'm thankful that I still can fit into some of my normal clothes.
- I did start watching Downton Abbey this week, which has resulted in me staying up too late and not getting enough sleep. I don't really think I can totally blame that tiredness on pregnancy though :)
Highlights Of This Week:
- Knowing that we're halfway finished! It's fun to know we're on the downhill side now...
- We picked out a paint color for the nursery and Cody installed a fan in the room. We'll hopefully buy the paint this weekend... I can't wait!
- More to come on this later, but a really great appointment with the specialist from Children's Hospital. We have another appointment before the doctor gives us a full report, but Griffin's heart is looking very strong and healthy!
- We officially have a stroller! I had a 20% off coupon for a store in Lubbock so my parents picked it up for us on their way to Abilene. I know it may be a little early to be purchasing one, but we knew what kind we wanted and we were able to save $40! Worth it in my book!
Funniest Dream Of This Week:
- I dreamed again that one of our student worker's bought a car at work during Spring Round Up (which is a class registration day for our new incoming students.} I remember asking her what her parent's said about her buying the car and she was like, "Oh they don't know!" I then asked how she was paying for it and she said she had been saving up from her student worker job along with money that her parent's sent her, so it wouldn't be a problem to pay the $13,000 for it. Oh my, I was so worried about her buying that car without her parents knowing and just knew it was going to end badly!
{I woke up though, so I have no idea how they handled the news :}
Looking forward to:
- Seeing the nursery come together! {Meaning, sitting around giving Cody directions about painting and such!}

Love the name, and you are smart to get started. I wanted to paint Lila's room but we didn't get to it early enough so I just ended up with a mural on the wall. I'm going to paint inside the closet soon though. :) And getting a stroller early is probably smart. Just make sure it will fit in your vehicle and that you know how to operate it. Review right before baby comes too. I did all of that when we got ours but it was a few months til she was here and when I went to use it the first time it was quite a laugh. I stood on the street fiddling with it for a good 10 minutes before a gentleman passing by offered help. He tried for a while and finally together we managed to get it. After that I've had no trouble but it was sure funny. Sorry so long, but one other thing; if you buy anything at Motherhood Maternity or register at Target you get coupon codes for Shutterfly and they keep sending them periodically in the mail. It's WONDERFUL because we've been able to make lots of photo books and get prints and only pay shipping usually.