{my lovely lady bump, 17 weeks 4 days!)
Size of Baby: According to Baby Center, Ten is now the size of an turnip. Is it just me or does that seem like a bit of a step down from the avocado last week? Either way, T is about 5 inches long and about 5 ozs, which the dr. also told us last week at our appointment.
- Mostly having a really good week! Thanks to help from comments last week, I've got some of my gagging issues while taking my prenatal vitamins under control! If you're having trouble swallowing a pill, try standing on one foot while taking it. Apparently it makes your brain focus elsewhere so it's easier to get the medicine down. All I know is, it's working for me and I couldn't be more thankful!
-Still craving fruit and salt, but I'm trying to watch my sodium a little bit. I noticed some swelling this weekend, but I'm not totally sure if it is pregnancy related swelling, a sodium overload or because it was hot on Sunday. Either way, I've backed off on some of my sodium and increased my water and it seems to be doing better. I can also say that my Taco Bell cravings have officially passed and I am not sure I'll have to eat there again for really long time!
Maternity Clothes:
-Well, I'm officially wearing my first maternity top today! Though, I technically bought this top while I wasn't pregnant, so I feel like that slightly cancels it out :) I did try and do some shopping this weekend, as I would really like a few pairs of maternity pants. Sadly, Abilene doesn't have much to offer! Thanks to my mom's generosity, I ordered a few maternity items from Loft. Here's hoping those get in asap!
-Sleep is just ok right now. Between way too many bathroom breaks every night, limited sleeping positions and restless dreams, it's been a long week on the sleep side of things.
Highlights Of This Week:
- Not only do we know what we're having, I also felt the first tiny little kick on Monday night! It was like three itty bitty thumps as I was trying to go to sleep. I told Cody that the main reason I want to get into bed now is in hopes of feeling more movement!
- This should probably be considered a low point of my week, but it's funny, so I'm sharing it! I was getting something out of the fridge this morning and accidentally stepped on Kota's tail. {I will admit, it was a full on step and I know it had to hurt.} I started to apologize and he just started barking like crazy at me. He kept running back and forth between me and Cody as if to say, "DAD! Did you SEEEEEEEEE what she did to meeeee?? Do you know how much that HURT?!?! Come on, look at that belly! ON MY TAIL!!! Shouldn't she be in trouble?!??!?!?!?!" I never thought my dog would make me feel self conscious about my growth spurts, but he did this morning!!
Funniest Dream Of This Week:
- All of my dreams this week have been wacky! Unfortunately, I've also forgotten most of them. Bummer!
Looking forward to:
- Our gender reveal party on Saturday with family! I will certainly be nice to not have to put so much effort into having a conversation with my mom to make sure I don't spill the beans!
So readers, let me hear your guesses!
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