I did want to pop in to offer a quick Works For Me Wednesday tip! Personally, I believe that God created Diet Dr Pepper on his day of rest. {It's that good in my book people!} But, um, I know that consuming as much of it as I have been can't really be all that good for me. So I've been working this year on increasing the amount of water I drink every day. My old method of keeping track of my water was just waiting till I felt like a fish and then calling it good, but it wasn't quite the most accurate way to do it. {Mostly because I got one cup done and called it good.} Luckily my friend Sarah came to my rescue and gave me a fabulous tip. She said she keeps 4 rubber bands on her water cup and removes one each time she empties it. That way she has an easy, quick and most importantly, accurate count of how much water she's had in one day! Personally, I like to see my accomplishments adding up, so I add a rubber band on my cup once I finish the cup. Either way, it's a great way to keep track of how much water you're taking in!

Check out We Are THAT Family for more WFMW. And hopefully, check back here for more blog posts to come :)

That's a great idea Abby. I try to track mine on MyFitnessPal.com but sometimes I forget if I've entered them or not. I'll have to try this. Thanks! It was so good to see you Friday! Damaris and I looked up the Tartis blog post you told us about. We had a good laugh. Look forward to getting together with yall once we get back.