2. does santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? santa leaves overflowing stockings and an occasional wrapped gift.
3. colored lights on tree/house or white? white is timeless and classic, but i'm very partial to the blue lights on my parent's house.
4. do you hang mistletoe? nope. cody might enjoy the addition of it though!
5. when do you put your decorations up? usually thanksgiving weekend, depending on how busy we are and when we get home from visiting family
6. what is your favorite holiday dish? McDonalds :) my family has a long standing tradition of going to the Christmas eve service at church followed by a festive meal at micky d's. cody *hates* mcdonalds, so I know he really loves me by joining in with this tradition!
7. favorite holiday memory as a child? A few of my favorites include:
-We had a flexible Santa that we hid all around the house {I like to believe my parent's started the concept of Elf On The Shelf!} and I love remembering the funny places I've seen it. {Cody and I have continued this tradition on}
{this was in my purse earlier this week!}
-We always went to church, then to McDonalds, and then drove around town to look at lights on Christmas Eve, while awarding one house for the least amount of effort to decorate and then finishing up the evening by opening one gift.
-Not being able to go into the living room to see if Santa came up my parents were up, had the fireplace on, the coffee ready and the video camera rolling. It was pure torture as a child!
8. when and how did you learn the truth about santa? this is slightly embarrassing, but I must have been the most naive child ever! I figured it out in the FIFTH GRADE. I can't even pretend like I had an idea before that, because I really don't remember it. I just remember going back to school after the holidays and my teacher {who was also a family friend} commenting on my bracelet, "I knew you were going to get that!" and in my head I thought, "Um... I got it in my stocking." All I know is, I still believe and Santa still comes.. here's hoping that doesn't change any time soon :)
9. do you open a gift on christmas eve? in previous years we have, but we've let this tradition go as we have brought in-laws into the family and aren't always together on Christmas eve
10. how do you decorate your christmas tree? our tree has white lights and lots of colored ornaments on it! My parents used to have the tree with "special" {maybe special looking, ha!} ornaments that my brother and I made growing up, but they've advanced on to a beautifully decorated tree with a few of the sweet memory ornaments still on it {though maybe slightly hidden now!}
11. snow! love it or dread it? love the idea of it, it's really nice to have warm temps on Christmas day!
12. can you ice skate? I have no idea. we don't do much of that in texas!
13. do you remember your favorite gift?
I have several, as my parents are really good gift givers! Getting my puppy Maggie in the 9th grade was such a fun day. They wrapped up the tiniest collar you've ever seen and then brought out this ball of fur. Oh my. She was adorable.
{this is not maggie. she was even more adorable. I thought you could use a visual for the cuteness though!}
I spent the summer after my freshman year of college in Australia and bought a special ring while I was there. My parents actually had one of my Australian friends buy one of the matching rings for my Christmas gift. I knew it must have been a lot of work and both rings are still very special to me.
And, the year I got my first piece of Jon Hart still stands out in my mind.I was totally shocked. And still love that piece to this day!
14. what's the most important thing about the holidays for you? being with my family and giving to others
15. what is your favorite holiday dessert? peppermint punch! actually, the only time I like egg nog is when it's hidden with peppermint ice cream and half and half! I'll have to get permission from Bami to share our sacred recipe on the blog :)
16. what is your favorite holiday tradition? see above for our traditions, they're all my favorite!
17. what tops your tree? a sparkly silver star
18. which do you prefer: giving or receiving? growing up, I was always the kid who had their christmas list ready to go in october! the older I've gotten, the more I do love to give to others, not only to family members, but any one in need. The Ronald McDonald House is usually our charity of choice because of our experiences there.
19. candy canes: yuck or yum? best if served in peppermint punch!
20. favorite christmas show? A Christmas Story! we've actually visited the house it was filmed in. it was so great!
21. saddest christmas song?
I really can't think of one...
22. what is your favorite christmas song? oh holy night and all I want for christmas is you by mariah carey. it's pretty much on repeat for the month of december. and now I feel like I need to go change my ringtone too :)
join the fun here!
plus i'm linking up with My Chihuahua Bites! for 2 on Tuesday!

Let me know if you answer the questions too!

Hiding that bendy Santa, what a FUN tradition!
ReplyDeleteI played along: http://www.thealmons.com/ccblog/?p=3986