the weather.
After one of the hottest summers in the history of Texas, we're transitioning into what should be the beginning of our fall weather, yet still experiencing high 80's and 90's, making it a little hard to fully bring out the fall fashion.
Despite checking the weather forecast and knowing it was still going to be rather warm, as I was packing for my next week on the road, I had one focus for my outfits: I wanted to wear my new knee high boots.
They're rather cute, wouldn't you agree?
So I sat out, examined my closet and found several great choices for this week. The problem was this small, nagging voice I couldn't get out of my head:
Are you really sure you want to wear the boots? You know its going to be hot. You have three fairs in one day. Remember how crowded those rooms get... are you really sure you want to wear them? You are guaranteeing that you will be sweating all day long.
So began the inner debate: is the happiness of wearing knee high boots worth being uncomfortable all day long? Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. And then all of a sudden it hit me:
How often do I do this with sin? When I can see the warning signs that I'm about to walk into a situation that's going to leave me uncomfortable and sweating, yet I still choose to walk into it?
It was like a light bulb went off. Sometimes we just need the Lord to give us a tangible lesson. I don't know what's going on in your life right now or what your struggles might be, but I hope this post causes you to stop and reconsider when you know you're walking into a sweating situation. Those boots may be cute for a moment, but they're probably not worth it!
{I feel like I have to give a disclaimer: I still packed the boots and have enjoyed wearing them this week- The Lord has also been very gracious to me and we had a slight cool front come through so I'm not sweating... or sinning! :)}

I know how you feel, I to want to rock out my fall/winter boots already, but this umbearable heat is making it quite impossible. I also live in Texas the deep south Texas and this weather is just dreadful. Hope you have or had a good week the boots are super cute BTW. =)