Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It's once again time to link up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday! Unfortunately, I embodied the whole reason Lindsey started doing WIWW during the 4 snow days we had last week. Yep... I spent all 4 days in pj's! My only defense is that we really couldn't leave the house, so it's not like I was leaving and going places in my pj's. I was just stuck and didn't see the need to dress to impress!

Here's the two outfits I did have from this week:

Monday - work


{interesting fact: I actually wore this button up on my first day of work for my first real job. I even wore it with a red sweater vest over it, though not this exact one. I love the unexpected color combination and it was good to reminisce!}

Shirt: AE, several years ago
Vest: Express, last year
Pants: Gap, clearance last year (thanks to my mom for hemming Longs for this short girl!)
Pearls: Bridesmaid gift, F21

Tuesday - Work



Sweater: Express, last year (though I think they have some form of this sweater every year)
Skirt: Old Navy
Boots: Target
Fedora: Sam Moons

This is my favorite go to outfit. It's super easy to put together and I always feel good in it, no matter how blah I was feeling beforehand. I didn't actually wear the fedora to work, though I daily wish I could. I actually wore a peacock pin from Loft on my sweater, but I was meeting a friend for coffee tonight and knew the fedora was the perfect answer to cover my hair after working out tonight.

There is a chance we could end up with another snow day tomorrow and I would by lying if I said I wasn't hoping for it! I am ready for a full week of getting dressed though... so even if I don't get to stay home, at least I'll get to wear something cute!

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to check out the giveaway that will be open till Friday!



  1. Cute outfits! You look like you are having so much fun!

  2. Adorable! And yes, my Walmart denim shirt is Miley Cyrus. :-)

  3. I love your go to outfit!

  4. I'm visiting from the Pleated Poppy. You have such fun style! I live in north Texas and we had 4 days last week off from school (i'm a teacher)! We were out of school today because of snow and ice. Crazy TX weather!!! You have great style :)

  5. i love that vest!!
    and your cute valentines day banner :)

  6. Love the fedora & the pearls. Nothing like a fun accessory to make you feel sassy :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you get more snow days! I've been wishing for one, but our chances here in GA are pretty slim!


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