Teddy Roosevelt was one smart man who has a quote that perfectly sums up where I am right now:

I have seriously been letting comparison eat my lunch lately. Do you ever feel this way? In no certain order, here are a few things I've been struggling with:
my diet. why does it seem like I am starving myself and not seeing any results? why can't I accomplish it like you?
my house cleaning skills. why does it seem like you have everything together and yet every week I feel like I'm already behind on getting our house picked up?
my christian walk. I feel like I should have learned this already... what lesson am I missing out on here?
my blog. am I even saying anything worthy? am I doing this for me or impure motives? how is your blog so much more popular than mine?
my future. what comes next? am I stuck in a limbo position? will I ever understand why You answered no to the questions I asked?
I was really convicted today at how easily I allow comparison to take my joy. It's not even like it has to try and steal anything, I am readily standing there, waiting to hand it over. It's interesting to me that a perfectly wonderful day can immediately go down the drain when I stop and give in to comparison.
I'm trying to make excuses for why I am struggling so much with comparison, yet they are nothing more than excuses. I find them piling up around every corner, convincing me that someone else must be better than me. I know they are lies, yet the more you listen to them, the more they seem to make sense.
Is there an easy solution? Do you just tell yourself to stop comparing?
I think the answer is partially yes. I do believe I have to stop my comparisons and instead choose to focus on all of the blessings and gifts I have been given.
I am so thankful to be healthy enough to work out and to have money to provide diet food.
I am thankful that I have a house overflowing that I can't keep clean because I choose to spend time with my husband at the dog park.
I am thankful for my christian walk and that the Lord is constantly teaching me and helping me to become a better reflection of him.
I am thankful for this blog, my tiny piece of the world wide web where I can share my creativity, recipes, and the inner parts of my heart.
I am thankful to have a future, even though I have no idea what it holds.
I really think I will have to print out this lists and keep it with me as a reminder when comparisons pop up. I know that I cannot measure up to others, for I was created to be me. My gifts, personality and talents are unique to me and I want to enjoy them to the best of my ability.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.
If this is something you are struggling with, I hope that you will stop a make a list of all of your positive traits and everything you have to be thankful for. You are so much more than your comparisons.

I know exactly what you mean. If only I was.... If only I did this... If only I could be like that...
ReplyDeleteGratitude is an amazing journey of growth and healing. I am blessed to walk that journey with you.
Mmmmmmm, girl. PREACH.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record, I looooooove hearing your heart. You're speaking truth to so many of us!
I'm a little late to this post, but I wanted to remind you.
ReplyDeleteGod only made one YOU! And He was pretty pleased with what He came up with. Yes, He is perfecting you...but if He wanted you to be like anyone else, He would have made you that way!
He loves you just the way He made you! Psalm 139:14!!!
I could have written this! I am new to your blog..but I am following!