We have a serious problem
It seems so very weird
It breaks our hearts each time we think
That Mingo's disappeared.
He was with us Christmas morning
He seemed so happy and gay
But later on that evening
I guess he ran away
We've looked high and low for him
We've searched in every crack
He could be in a bar somewhere
Or even playing Blackjack!
If Mingo doesn't show real soon
We'll have to call the Police
The last we heard he was headed south
You might check out Belize!
Watch for your next green clue.
A few things you need to know: Mingo is a 3 inch flamingo who has made each of our vacations with us. We pass Mingo between family members, and the last one to end up with him on the final days pays for the next trip! It's fun to see the creative places Mingo travels in one weeks time and the lengths at which we go to make sure Bamps ends up with him on the last day!
And secondly, I am not believing that we are going to Belize. Too easy.
Thirdly, I know where Mingo ended up on Christmas day. For some reason my cousin Micah is terrified of him, which naturally makes her a huge target. And I won't call out any names, but a certain mother of mine slipped Mingo into Micah's coat before she left Bami's house. Since then, Mingo took a first class trip to Houston and spent a few days seeing the sights. Although I'm sure the sights of Texas are rather disappointing when he's used to Aruba and Playa del Carmen. We are now having a "Flat Mingo" party and sending him all over to visit family members before we leave. I am rather excited for us to get him because I already have some creative ideas!
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I started week five of the couch to 5k this week. I ran for 3 sections of 5 mins each with a 3 min brisk walk inbetween each on. And then, the next time I run this week, I will run for 8 mins, walk 5, and run 8 more. And then, on the third run of this week, I am supposed to run for 20 minutes straight. Ha ha ha. I am already wanting to skip those!
I also started the 100 push up challenge this week and the 200 sit up challenge. Google them if you want to see the plan. So I better be toned all over by the time this trip comes.
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Who else is very disappointed in Michael Phelps right now?
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I wasn't as dedicated of a Bachelor watcher tonight, but I really think Naomi needs to go. They just don't fit together.
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Don't forget to go sign up on Beth's blog for the third scripture memorization of this month. I'm doing Philippians 4:4-7. And I think on the 15th I'll try to memorize the next chunk of this Scripture.
And does anyone out there call her Beth as if you're BFF with her? Cuz my mom and I totally do. And I am not ashamed of it.
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Must. Go. Rest. Body. Now.
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I started Couch to 5K this week! And we are doing the hundred push up challenge at work (a group of us are all putting in $10 & whoever improves the most BANKS!).