Monday, February 10, 2014

Love Is Shown

So Friday was Cody's birthday. If I were a good blogging wife I would have had a post ready to go of 29 reasons why I love him, but obviously I slacked on that. We had a good day that included donuts, naps, video games, and a great dinner where someone else blessed us and picked up the ticket.  Saturday morning started out to be another lazy day with the intention of finishing up some of the projects in our kitchen. We decided midmorning to head out to our friends garage sale....

and that's when the day went to pot.

Cody mentioned on Friday night that he thought our water pressure was down when he showered, but I didn't notice anything when I was using the water that day. Saturday morning we discovered the pressure was down because we had a pipe burst in our apartment in our back yard.

{coming out of from the top of the carport} 

The day was a rush of getting the city here to turn off our water, calling plumbers to find out we were #10 in line and they charge $150/hr on the weekends, cleaning out all of our garage stuff that was in the apartment, sweeping out the water on the floor and finally,  Cody cutting away at the ceiling to find where the pipe came apart. In the end, Cody was able to get an $8 part and fixed it himself. We still have a long road ahead of getting the apartment fixed with all of the flooding that took place in the ceiling, but at least we have water in our house again!

Despite the fact that it's been a long two days and we still have a lot of hard work and uncertainty in front of us (oh dear Lord please let insurance cover the cost of the damage!!)  I'm left with one thought throughout all of this: it's so easy to be loving on birthdays and special occasions, but love is shown in the muck of a broken pipe.  I love Cody and I know he loves me, but sometimes we need life to throw us a curveball to help us see how our spouse is loving us well.

Has life thrown anything at you recently that helped you or your spouse to show love?

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