Size of Baby: Griffin is weighing in at 7 lbs as estimated by our dr. He looked perfect on the sonogram and is officially considered full term, though it wouldn't be a bad thing if he keeps growing for a few more weeks!
Symptoms: - Still at a 1 and 50% effaced. Fun huh? Thankfully I had prepared myself to go into the appointment and find out that I hadn't progressed at all, despite a painful weekend. I have had more pelvic pain this week, but I'm not really getting my hopes up any time soon!
Maternity Clothes: - It's looking like I will make it through the whole pregnancy wearing both normal clothes and maternity pieces. I did tell Cody that I feel like I have about 6 outfits left that fit me, so act surprised when you see me wearing the same thing over and over again. I almost bought a few new tops last week, but it just wasn't worth it for 3 weeks. I know it will be a while before I stop looking pregnant, but I'm ready to only look 6 months pregnant so I can wear some of the tops from that stage again!
Sleep: - Sleeping ok. I am exhausted when I go to bed, yet it takes me about an hour to fall asleep some nights. Coupled with waking up at 5 as Griffin starts his morning exercises... well, it makes for a short night sometimes!
Funniest Dream Of This Week: - I dreamed that Cody and I were out of town in San Antonio. He dropped me off at the mall and for some reason I put a 12 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper's in a locker unit in the middle of the mall. As I went to go get them out, there were some cops there talking to some men, about to arrest them. They were blocking my locker so I couldn't get my DDP's out, but there was a cooler full of cases and I was wondering if I could just take one, since they could replace it once they unlocked my locker. All of a sudden someone runs out of a store yelling, "BOMB! THERE'S A BOMB!!" and we all take off running to get out. I remember being surprised I could run so fast with as pregnant as I was. Then I was worried as to how I was going to find Cody, as my iPhone and keys were in the locker. Somehow I made it into the car and set out to get him. Traffic was going to slow though as everyone tried to leave and I just remember that I was having to use my arms to make the car move {almost as if paddling yourself in water.} I woke up before I found Cody, but the funniest part of this dream is that the next day, my arms were unbelievably sore. So I'm guessing I was actually paddling my arms in my sleep!
Highlights Of This Week: - The house is clean, the nursery is mostly all together, a hospital bag is packed, the car seat base is installed and my maternity leave is turned in. I feel like he can come now and we'll be ready! {as ready as we really can be for the monumental change that is coming!}
Looking forward to: Counting down the days. It's surreal to know we have 13 days left just the two of us. I'm thinking we better get in one last date night this weekend!
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