Here's a snapshot of the recipe:
I started by chopping half of an onion and sauteing it in a small skillet with the garlic. The recipe didn't call for this, but Cody isn't a big fan of raw onions and I didn't think they would cook long enough in the oven. While those were sauteing, I mixed the green chilies, sour cream, accidentally more cumin than the recipe called for, and then the onion/garlic mixture.
Add the cheese, (use a bigger bowl than you'll think you need!) put a nice portion in a tortilla, (I used flour even though it called for corn) wrap tortilla and place in 9x13, then cover with leftover cheese mixture. Bake for 15 minutes at 425.
Originally I planned on adding chicken in with the cheese mixture, but Cody wasn't supposed to get home till late Thursday night so I really planned on just eating a Lean Cuisine meal by myself. Once he said he wasn't stopping for dinner on the road and would eat at home, it was too late for me to thaw chicken to include. Chicken would be good in it, but Cody and I definitely enjoyed it just as much without. Even better, had I not stopped mid-recipe to wash mud off of a certain rugrat's paws during preparing the recipe, this really would have only taken me about 10 minutes tops to put together. Serve with a simple salad and chips and you have an easy, delicious meal!
This sounds good. I'll have to try it!