We enjoyed our extra hour of sleep last night, even though we always end up staying up too late and basically negating the hour we gain. We actually woke up early AND made it to church early, which never happens for us!
After church we came home, read the paper and had lunch. It was then like another person took over my body :) I cleaned up all of the supplies from Madeline's present, cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped, and started laundry, and finished helping Cody clean the bathrooms. Later on the in the day I picked out all of my outfits for this week AND organized my closet. Seriously, I don't know who I am!
Cody and I even took an hour this afternoon to go to the mall. We picked out a few Christmas presents (a dress shirt for Cody and these for me!), I got some new nail polish, bought the perfect purse (on clearance AND with a gift card! - similar to this one but a little bigger and a little cheaper!) and then I had to drop my wedding ring off to once again be fixed.
A while back I had to send my ring off to be re-dipped because it was making my finger break out in a horrible {very painful} rash. Seriously, I had the rash from about January to August. Now that I look back on it I should have done something sooner, I really just assumed it was the dry weather {and I wasn't wearing jewelry when I was at home from surgery}. After hearing That Pink Girl mention her's was doing the same thing, I decided to be very professional about it and google solutions. It seemed the general consensus was to not wear a ring at all until the rash cleared up. So, I took my ring off. After two weeks with no ring on and still having the rash, I went back to google. The next solution most people suggested was to have the ring re-dipped. It was already time for me to take the ring in for the check up with the warranty we have, so I thought it would be a good time to go ahead and get it re-dipped.
I should have just walked away when we first walked in. Cody met me at the jeweler's after he got a hair cut. He brought a book in case he had to wait a while at the salon {if you can call Master Cut's that!} and as soon as we walked into the store the worker was immediately chatting with Cody. I'm trying to believe she was just being friendly, but she was definitely overly-friendly for his wife to be standing right there. On top of all of it, I had already handed her my ring to be checked out before she started the conversation with him, so once she was busy talking to him, instead of putting the ring down on the counter or even just holding it, SHE PUT MY WEDDING RING ON HER FINGER. Yeeeahh. So not only was she flirting with my husband in front of me, she had the nerve to put my ring on!
After she checked the ring out, I explained about the rash and wanting to get the ring re-dipped. She said it wouldn't be a problem and took down all of my information to get the ring sent off. Now, it was like a ten minute process for her to fill out the paperwork and the whole time SHE WAS WEARING MY RING!!!!!! Now, I appreciate the fact that she didn't just set the ring down somewhere and walk off from it, but really?! You don't wear someone else's wedding ring. I mean, close friends can try each other's on no big deal... but a stranger? I don't think so!
Getting the ring re-dipped ended up being a huge fiasco. They told us it would only take two weeks to get it back. When two weeks came and passed, we called to check on it and they said it still wasn't in and would still be another week or so. I then waited another 2 weeks (because I was out traveling) and called back. The employee who answered was very rude and was like, Well yes it's in. We tried calling the number and it didn't work. My ring had been in since Sept 13.. ONE WEEK after we sent it off. So I went through the majority of travel season looking like I was having marriage problems and not wearing my wedding ring because the jewelers didn't listen to us when we said the area code of our phone number. Less than 12 hours after I got the ring back, I noticed one of small diamonds on the side had fallen out. I was not about to send my ring off and lose it for another month, so I waited until I finished travel season and finally made the time today to send it off again.
I almost walked out of the store when I saw Miss Flirty Pants was working again, but Cody wasn't with me so I figured I was safe. Another employee actually ended up helping me, but I felt no relief by this because I overheard that she was new at the store. She kept having to ask questions about what to type in as she was filling out the paperwork. I'm just hoping and praying the ring will get fixed and will somehow get mailed back to Abilene! I am a little worried about when I get it back, as I swear she took a red Sharpie and marked on the ring to highlight which diamond was missing. I wanted to question her about this, but Miss Flirty Pants had already accused me of it being my fault that the diamond someone came out, and I knew I would be too rude if I spoke up. It's supposed to be two weeks for the ring to get fixed and you can be guaranteed that I will definitely start calling a week from today to see if it's in! Whew. I'm just hoping this will be the last I have to deal with the jeweler for a long time! Let's not even think about if the ring comes back and has red Sharpie on it. I may implode right there in Gordon's.
So that is a wrap up of our weekend. I feel tired even writing about it! I'm now about to go relax a read Francine Rivers new book for a few minutes before heading to bed to start another week. Only 12 work days till the Thanksgiving holiday!!
Hey Abby-
ReplyDeleteWe got all of my stuff from Gordons and have had our share of troubles....one thing is for sure - Gordons from Midland to Abilene to now Pearland promises to have it fixed in a week! You go get that ring after a week!
I kept reading and my mouth hung open and I kept repeating, "Whaaatttt?"
ReplyDeleteNo ma'am, you DO NOT wear a customer's ring! You DO NOT flirt with her husband! Oh, such poor customer service. You need a new jeweler! Yuck, sorry it was so much work.
I'm getting caught up on blogs and just read this. OMW! That's terrible. Def bad taste to put your ring on. I won't even do that with friends rings. I hope it all works out!
ReplyDeleteOk, somehow I TOTALLY missed this post. I am so impressed that you didn't just start making out with Cody right then and there. I think that would've gotten the point across ;)